It is the first of May, spring is in the air. I feel so romantic sitting next to an open window at 雕刻时光 “Sculpting in Time”… the coffee shop I frequent. Fifi my cat has grown much larger, but I think now after I have seen her grow a bit, I think I should have named her Feisty or something of that nature. So last I wrote 1.5 weeks ago or so? I had just come back from HK. Although that work is good, I still think that for my internship experience I need something more stable. It is good being the assistant, but come July I would like to be sure. I have applied around to several places through internet sites, but to no avail. There are various companies that assist in finding short term internships, and I have paid a deposit to one just in case there is no luck. Although this is not ideal, it is something to fall back on if my internship here does not last that long.
Mr. Li is an interesting fellow. I think before I continue to explain, I might add that some Americans have been lucky finding jobs and find that they are automatically placed higher on the totem pole than others. Just by default of being foreign and understanding Chinese. For example, Mr. Li straight up said, “Kailin, I would like for you to find me some good American investments.” OMG… -Good American investments, I know a lot of Americans good at finance who don’t quite know what seems ‘good’. “Where would you like me to start?” He replies, “Even if you find 20 and there is one good one and all the others are garbage, -that would be fine!” What a task! As if I am an expert! Previously I:
ü Studied finance (check),
ü Worked at a couple reputable investment banks
ü Analyzed various models that quantify risk
ü Handled $ increments above 5 million
… hand-picked investments for a wealthy individual… um, not yet, and this adds a little more pressure.
I guess if he had given me a better idea, perhaps of what industry/category he is interested in, that would give me a better start. -I’m not complaining, I will take the challenge! I guess I am just surprised at the amount of authority and trust he is giving me.
Ha – On a lighter note. It is Chinese Labor Day! All of the students went home for the weekend. I went out for a massage yesterday. There are many places around here that offer blind massages. 60 kuai for 60 minutes! Not bad! Other than that… the office was joking that for my internship I could become a Chinese pop star. I was enlisted, (LOL) for a Chinese singing completion two weeks ago. I sang “Hou Lai 后来”~ Later on… by Liu Ruoying 刘若英, and I won. And then I sang a 母语 mother-language song (I chose Bad Romance by Lady Gaga – everyone knows her).
When I originally signed up I thought it would be just a little Karaoke get-together, but it turns out it is like this provincial competition where I compete with 9 other foreigners and 400 Chinese people get to watch. Because I won, I get to go to finals now! LOL wish me luck… below is the link to an article about the event. It is in Chinese, but the pictures below are of me and “Lady Gaga” me wearing a wig! I chose her because I know that Chinese are familiar with her. Instead of saying “oh my God,” they actually say (amongst themselves in English) “Oh my Lady Gaga!” 0_0
Don’t laugh too hard at the pictures! Boy I sure got myself into something! But now I don’t know that to sing for finals?? Help!!!