Monday, February 14, 2011

Caitlin's First Entry - The Day Before

Hey Everyone!  First of all, Happy Valentine's Day!!  情人节快乐 ~  <3

So oh my goodness, it is the day before!  I am mostly packed - A bit nervous, a lot excited, and mostly happy!  I spent the weekend with friends and family. I spent some of my last domestic moments by being domestic and baking lovely little heart cookies for my teachers as a THANK YOU for helping me make it thus far.  The journey begins tomorrow... so most people ask me, "how do you feel?" and "what time are you leaving?"

I could say "it is the calm before the storm" but really, I am not afraid of going to China.  A storm has negative connotation.  Really,  I feel good, but it is a lot of anticipation! I am going to the "far east" from the "wild west" (it strikes me as an oddity that I am actually flying West to get to "the East") but.. the analogy that just came to mind: is that it is as if I have just dipped my toe into a cold pool of water after simmering in a comfortable Jacuzzi for a while... and now I'm about to jump in!  I will get used to the waters  =)  Flagship and the ASU's Chinese department has me locked and loaded... I'm ready! I hope to come back as a Chinese speaking MACHINE...

Now.  My flight tomorrow is:  Phoenix - San Francisco - Beijing - Nanjing

I will be in Terminal 4 at 9:00 hopping onto US Airways, boarding at 11:00 A.M.  My flight to Beijing is on Air China!  I arrive in Nanjing at 10:00 P.M.

I'll be back... lol  But right now.. I'm like okayyyy just breathe... Inhale, exhale, inhale exhale... (I am going to be too excited to sleep... probably)   Good night everybody  =)  See u in China


  1. This is Ximin. Have a good time there. You know, you are losing two things when you fly away: a day and a group of best friends.
    Good luck in China and keep updating your journal in Chinese. I might pick on your writing sometimes. Ha~

  2. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we're all proud of you, we'll all miss you, and we all have, and always have had faith in you :)

    Have a safe flight and take care, Kailin...... please do keep in touch :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow Bill! I miss your wit and humor, everything is still so eliquently put! So what do ya think about Thunderbird? I've heard nothing but great things but am curious if you hold same opinion on their business school. Hope all is well.

  5. Caitlin, this is going to be fun to check your postings as well as others comments, so glad you did this. Thank you Chad for helping her... and your cheesecake was amazing! We are still working on it :)
